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2|22: Murphy Ranch Trail w/ Clover May

Start: February 22, 2020 9:00am

End: February 22, 2020 1:00pm

We are lucky to have Dr. May join us for her first hike with Peaks! Come along on February 22nd with Dr. May and a possible special visiting professor guest as we hike through Murphy Ranch Trail, a moderate scenic 3.8 mile hike in the Santa Monica Mountains with low elevation gain. Although this hike is quite close to UCLA, it has a particularly unique history as the site of now-dilapidated buildings of Nazi sympathizers from the 1930s.

Dr. May is a recent addition to UCLA’s Mathematics department as of Fall 2018, coming from a long-time teaching position in University of Oregon’s Mathematics department. Her extremely complex research is centered in algebraic topology, specifically equivariant homotopy theory and RO(G)-graded cohomology. Her interests include dance, hiking, travel, and the circus. If you have interest in mathematics, or if you’re just need of some fresh air and good company, be sure to sign up for the Murphy Ranch Trail hike!

Trip Lead: Sophie Shaka

The second wave of sign-ups will occur on Sunday, February 9th at 6pm. Please check back here at that time for Standard and Driver sign-ups.


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