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2|8: Los Liones Trail w/ Professor David Ravetch

Start: February 8, 2020 7:00am

End: February 8, 2020 12:00pm

Join us for this beautiful 7.3 mile hike through the lush canyons of Topanga State Park teeming with life to a rewarding overlook on Parker Mesa! If it is clear, we will be able to see views of Santa Monica Bay and the San Bernadino Mountains. The hike itself consists of a gentle grade culminating to nearly 1300 feet and is mostly shaded by chapparal.

Joining us on the hike will be Professor Ravetch, a favorite among Peaks & Professors hikers. Professor Ravetch has been a leading accounting instructor at UCLA for over 30 years and has taught a variety of courses including MGMT 1, 12o, 142, and 180. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to get to know him!

Trip Lead: Amanda Sysamouth

The first wave of sign-ups will occur on Friday, January 24th at 6pm. Please check back here at that time for Standard and Driver sign-ups.


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