Start: May 21st, 2022 10:00 am
End: May 21st, 2022 1:00 pm
Join Peaks for this moderately easy 3.8 mile lollipop loop hike with 325 feet elevation change on Saturday! This hike has a very interesting dark history associated with it as well as beautiful natural views and ample graffiti. Don't forget to bring your water, snacks, and sunscreen as we embark upon this retreat into the wilderness!
Joining us from the World Arts & Cultures department, we will have a chance to hike with the wonderful Jesse Tandler who teaches the well-known GE M79, Food Politics: Cultural Solutions to Political Problems. Professor Tandler is the Managing Director at the Factory Farming Awareness Coalition and a knowledgable advocate of conscious vegan eating and questioning the status quo. We hope you will join us for a great hike and take this opportunity to get to better know Professor Tandler!
Trip Lead: Sophie Shaka
Co Lead: Alex Swerdlow
The first wave of sign-ups will occur on 5/12 at 6:00PM. Sign Up Here!