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11|14: Will Rogers Inspiration Point w/ Rachel Prunier and Colin Kremer

Start: November 14th, 2021 8:15 am

End: November 14th, 2021 12:00 pm

Join us for a hike up to Inspiration Point in Will Rogers State Park. This is about a 2.1 mile easy loop trail with 324 feet of elevation gain. The hike is exposed, so make sure to bring water, sunscreen, and snacks and then get ready to trek through beautiful chaparral with fantastic views of the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Monica Mountains.

Joining us on this hike is the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology's power couple Dr. Rachel Prunier, an evolutionary biologist who studies plants and Dr. Colin Kremer who studies quantitative ecology and evolution, specifically on phytoplankton. Even more of a bonus than two professors in one hike is that there two kiddos will be joining us on the trail. They just moved to Los Angeles a bit over a year ago, so they are just as excited to check out this trail as you all are!

Trip Lead: Laurel Thomas

The first (and only) wave of sign-ups will occur on Monday, November 1st at 9:00 am. Sign-up here!


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