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3|8: Skull Rock via Temescal Canyon w/ Tamar Christensen and Randy Fallows

Start: March 8, 2020 8:00 am

End: March 8, 2020 1:00 pm

So you're looking to hike with a professor? You don't want to miss out on this two for one deal! Tamar Christensen and Randy Fallows are two English professors at UCLA who are excited to share their passion for literature, environmental activism, and travel. They are currently in the midst of co-authoring a book about the complexities the holiday season and its effects on our society and planet. If you have taken one of their courses, you know how inspiring and encouraging they both are. We are pumped to have them hike with us once again this quarter. This trip is sure to open our eyes to the changes we can make in our everyday lives to do our part to fight the climate crisis. Where we hike with Tamar Christensen and Randy Fallows, thought-provoking conversations and good-natured jokes are sure to follow. You don't want to miss this hike!

Join us on this 4.6 mile hike through Temescal Canyon, known for its stunning ocean views as well as a seasonal waterfall and an interesting rock formation (which gives the hike its name). The trail is steep in some places; however, it is mostly shaded so we should be able to stay pretty cool. One thing is for sure: this trail has a little bit of everything! It is perfect for returning Peaks hikers and newbies alike.

Trip Lead: Lisa Werner

The first wave of sign-ups will occur on Sunday, February 9th at 6pm. Please check back here at that time for Standard and Driver sign-ups.


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@2022 Peaks and Professors at UCLA

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